About Us

The Headquarters of Blogshops, A Megamart for all.

As the name suggests, HQblogshops offers a one-stop shopping site for blog-shoppers and a free advertising site for blogshop owners. Established in July 2010, we are a non-profit website which aims to gather 1st-hand products of all blogshops in Singapore and classify them into different categories, providing easy and convenient shopping experience for blog-shoppers. With our site, instead of blog-hopping, blog-shoppers can now search for their desired shopping loots all in 1 site. Blogshop owners, too, can promote their items alongside with other blogshops.

On a little side note, the name HQ, besides representing the word “Headquarters”, is also a combination of the initials of the names of the creators, H and Q. In addition, the clock in our logo signifies the blog-shopping time we can save for you! :)

We, at HQblogshops, hope you'll enjoy this shopping experience with us.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we hope to serve you better and better and better and better and better and...better.

Thank you =]

With best shopaholic regards,

H and Q